We complained regarding the client facing an invoice expiry issue and got an error that their invoice is expired sometimes when paying through the cryptomus payment plugin. We took up the matter with the developers and they added the following line $data[‘lifetime’] = (string)(3600 * 12); This has resolved the issue, and now the client doesn’t get an expired invoice issue. It is strange to see that the official page for Cryptomus’s plugins still has an old version listed. Therefore, we planned to add the same here in case someone searches for this issue online.
View More Resolved: Invoice Expiry Issue Using Cryptomus on ClientexecCategory: ClientExec
Clientexec 6.4 Version with new User Dashboard
The version 6.4 brings a little glimpse of front end changes overhauld that we will see under version 7. The version 6.4 brings a refreshed user dashboard. However as of now the order page seems to be broken and the same has been notified to the developers. The following dashboard is however working for users. The notable features are General Billing Setting to void invoices of cancelled package. This comes handy as invoices were left unpaid for even cancelled package. Virtualizor plugin to send the storage ID when creating a VPS Full changelog of CE 6.4 is as follow: ADDED…
View More Clientexec 6.4 Version with new User DashboardClientexec Ver 6.1.1
A new version of Clientexec has been released on 29th May 2020. The Changelog for it is as follow: Functions Added FreeSerif fonts to new builds. cookie_secure is set for https connections description to Stripe Checkout payments. Missing translation to product type in client area Patches Low Severity Security Issue. More details to be released at a later date. Auto Suspend / Unsuspend plugin to avoid unsuspending packages having Override Auto Suspend enabled. issue with “Login to cPanel” link in admin only showing after a refresh. Income Growth SQL query to not break in strict mode. bug with Monthly Incoming…
View More Clientexec Ver 6.1.1